long distance bicycle touring

Pros and Cons of Using an Electric Bike on Your Bike Tour

Electric bikes, also known as e-bikes, have recently taken the world by storm. Electric bikes have become an excellent option for commuting to and from work, strolling through the mountains, or just cruising around town. Some cities worldwide have even offered subsidies for purchasing them so that the option is more accessible. So if e-bikes

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Goodbye, Old Friend

Contributor: Phil Blumenkrantz I’m suffering separation anxiety – not from a girlfriend or job or my recently-deceased cat. From my Panasonic PT-3500. It’s been six months since I parted ways with the touring bike I’d ridden almost exclusively since the mid-80s. My sense of loss hasn’t softened. Each time I would complete a trip, I

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Ready to Go!

Contributor: Susan Fox This year, after 10 years of discussion and 5 years of planning, my best friend and I set out on our first cross-country tour. We had been inspired by a roadside gentleman who invited us to share his fire during our first tour in Eastern Oregon…in the rain. His story about his

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An Unexpected Covid Silver Lining: Connecting the Global Bike Community

Contributor: Ayleen Crotty, Filmed by Bike How the Filmed by Bike film festival persevered during this challenging time. In the early months of 2020, people around the world stayed indoors, unsure of what activities were safe during the increasingly confusing and scary global COVID-19 pandemic. For a while, there wasn’t yet any information on whether

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Why Host? Why Be a Guest?

Contributor: Lance Chilton Sure, being a guest while bike-touring saves money. Sure, being a host makes us feel we’re paying back the Warmshowers community. But it’s more than that. Although I could probably afford to stay in four-star hotels, Warmshowers gives me a much closer opportunity to meet and learn from bicyclists in all the

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