warmshowers foundation

Cycle Tourism Show: Inspiration for Your Next Holiday

Contributor: Pinar Pinzuti, Cycling Brainwasher When I began cycling nearly 20 years ago (oh, time flies), the bicycle quickly became more than a simple vehicle for me — it turned into a bridge connecting me and my partner Paolo. While he was passionate about rugby and photography, and I was drawn to yoga and writing,

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In Lac Bouchette, Do Not Rely on Google Maps But Rather Jean Champoux!

Contributor: Luc Dupont I was looking for a place to spend my summer vacation and get away for a week. Newfoundland tempted me, but its elevation and sometimes isolated roads convinced me that cycling alone there wouldn’t be wise. I settled on the Tour du Lac St-Jean, where Vélo-Québec was planning a guided cycling trip.

In Lac Bouchette, Do Not Rely on Google Maps But Rather Jean Champoux! Read More »

An Unlikely Journey: Lessons from Cycling Solo Across a Continent

Contributor: Sahir Permall People like me—brown, single mothers in their mid-30s—don’t do this kind of thing. Neither did I, until I did. On a cold and wet morning this spring, I left home in Glasgow on my old touring bike and pedaled nearly 3,000 miles until, exactly two months later, I reached Asia. Pushing off

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The Unicycle Story

Contributor: Dylan J. Cole I had just arrived in Rochester, New York, and my Warmshowers hosts and I were sitting around a home-cooked meal, swapping stories from the Erie Canal Trail. One host shared a story that I found most memorable: One day, close to downtown, she had been unicycling along the canal while juggling

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1,000 Welcomes: Celebrating a Warmshowers Host’s Journey of Community and Connection

On a side street in the heart of Shkoder, Albania, through a door next to an unassuming two-car garage, you could easily miss the entrance to a unique and wonderful Warmshowers hosting experience.   Warmshowers hosts play a vital role in creating a sense of community and connection among cyclists from all over the world. Today,

1,000 Welcomes: Celebrating a Warmshowers Host’s Journey of Community and Connection Read More »