warmshowers hosts

First Time Host

Contributor: Lil Cub In 2019, after hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT), I returned home and decided to open up my place for the Florida Trail (FT) and Eastern Continental Trail (ECT) hikers to rest and charge up. Since my place was only a quarter mile from downtown and at the crossroads of Hwy 90 and […]

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Why Host? Why Be a Guest?

Contributor: Lance Chilton Sure, being a guest while bike-touring saves money. Sure, being a host makes us feel we’re paying back the Warmshowers community. But it’s more than that. Although I could probably afford to stay in four-star hotels, Warmshowers gives me a much closer opportunity to meet and learn from bicyclists in all the

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Cycle Touring Books

Great reads authored by the Warmshowers Community!   Bike Touring with Kids: the Europe Epic by Ed Gillis Ed and Jocelyn fell in love on bicycles and refused to believe that life-after-kids would be the end of their ambitious adventures. They’ve bike-toured with their two young sons on various contraptions all over North America, Cuba

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Warmshowers Visitors

Contributor: Doris Tuck Three years ago, in June 2019, we hosted our first Warmshowers rider, Alistair, a doctor from London who was riding across the country.  He rode down the coast from the city, which was probably a really great ride until he had to turn east and over the Santa Cruz mountains into the

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Feed the Hungry Beasts

Contributor: Kevin Kimpel Part of the fun of hosting long-distance bicyclists for me is to feed them when they pedal up hungry after a calorie-burning ride.     Sitting down to a home-cooked meal is often a treat for riders who have dined solo on fast food or from gas station snack bars or cooked

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Slap the Wall

Contributors: Chuck and Susan Atkinson Susan and I have been involved with Warmshowers for almost 11 years. Prior to hosting here in Shkoder, Albania, on an annual basis, we never hosted more than 3-10 guests. We consider ourselves expats. In 2010, we flew with our recumbent trikes to this side of the pond from the

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Warmshowers: 3 for 1?

Contributor: Anne Larcher When I became a member of the Warmshowers cycling hospitality platform in 2015, I hoped to get a “2 for 1”. Being hosted while touring on my bicycle and making sure my Dad, a good host, gets some visitors. In fact, this platform brought my family and me much more than expected:

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