Stories from the Road

Goodbye, Old Friend

Contributor: Phil Blumenkrantz I’m suffering separation anxiety – not from a girlfriend or job or my recently-deceased cat. From my Panasonic PT-3500. It’s been six months since I parted ways with the touring bike I’d ridden almost exclusively since the mid-80s. My sense of loss hasn’t softened. Each time I would complete a trip, I

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Ready to Go!

Contributor: Susan Fox This year, after 10 years of discussion and 5 years of planning, my best friend and I set out on our first cross-country tour. We had been inspired by a roadside gentleman who invited us to share his fire during our first tour in Eastern Oregon…in the rain. His story about his

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Why Host? Why Be a Guest?

Contributor: Lance Chilton Sure, being a guest while bike-touring saves money. Sure, being a host makes us feel we’re paying back the Warmshowers community. But it’s more than that. Although I could probably afford to stay in four-star hotels, Warmshowers gives me a much closer opportunity to meet and learn from bicyclists in all the

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A Free Spirit

Contributor: Andres Garcia I am from Colombia and have been traveling by bicycle for five years. My trip began in Argentina, where I studied musical composition. I decided to travel by bicycle without thinking about it; it was a decision that I had made at the moment, as I said, without thinking about it. I

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Old Dog Learns New Tricks

Contributor: Melissa Rosaaen “Do you think we should pay attention to that sign?” Rick says just a little sarcastically as he pedals up next to me.  “What sign?”, I gasp, as I down-shift.  He laughs. “Oh, you know.  The huge one back there that reads, ‘Trail Closed’”. We had been training for our big ride

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