stories from the road

Uphill to Oracle

Contributor: Maren Sounders February 7, 2022 – Today I biked 23 miles, almost exactly the same as yesterday. But whereas yesterday’s journey was mostly flat and on a car-free path, today was on Rt. 77. Fortunately, for most of the way there was a wide shoulder. But I pushed up a slight but relentless incline totaling […]

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Wo-man’s Best Friend

Contributors: Iris Joschko and Zuri Cycling round a beautiful country full of rolling hills, shimmering lochs, dramatic mountain ranges and breath-taking views all with your best friend – my dog Zuri. The most beautiful way to travel and truly embrace a country and its unique people. As travelling companions, Zuri and I could not be

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Some of My Crazy Favorite Moments on a Cycling Trip from Belgium to Swiss

When I tell people about my bicycle travels, I often see them wondering, “Why would you do such a thing?” For me, an important reason is the countless little adventures you bump into on the road. Here is an account of my favorite crazy moments from a 10-day solo cycling trip through France in 2017.

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