warmshowers foundation

Friends for Life

Contributor: Kevin Kimpel I have been an active Warmshowers host since 2011. Somewhere north of 130 people of all ages and many nationalities have pedaled up to my door.  All have been very grateful for the hospitality. All but one has signed my guest book and let me take their picture to add to my

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A Film Festival

Explorations of new worlds, places and people: these are the incredible moments we experience when spending endless miles in the saddle on a bike tour. There’s really nothing quite like soaking in the scents, sounds and sights of a new land. The Magic of Film to Transport Even when we can’t travel, we can still

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Call For Volunteers

We have several exciting volunteer opportunities at Warmshowers.org Foundation. If you are passionate about joining the dedicated team behind the scenes to increase our global reach of touring cyclists and hosts, and have experience in the areas below, we would love to hear from you.   Social Media Volunteer Reports to:  Tahverlee, Executive Director Gretchen

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Some of My Crazy Favorite Moments on a Cycling Trip from Belgium to Swiss

When I tell people about my bicycle travels, I often see them wondering, “Why would you do such a thing?” For me, an important reason is the countless little adventures you bump into on the road. Here is an account of my favorite crazy moments from a 10-day solo cycling trip through France in 2017.

Some of My Crazy Favorite Moments on a Cycling Trip from Belgium to Swiss Read More »